Preparing For A 职业生涯 Fair-新濠天地app
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Preparing For A 职业生涯 Fair


招聘会是非常有益的,但也会让人不知所措. 招聘会将许多潜在雇主聚集到一个地方,在同一时间,以招聘为目标. 在招聘会上冒着人山人海寻找工作机会值得吗? 是的! And here is why.

节省时间: For one thing, career fairs can save you time. Trying to find an internship or a job can be a daunting task. 找工作申请和通过申请过程是一个非常耗时的努力. 招聘会可以为你节省很多寻找你可能感兴趣的公司的时间. 你可以在一个下午向多个雇主展示你最好的一面.

Meet Recruiters: 招聘会的另一个好处是你可以见到公司的招聘人员. Many job applications today are online, 直到招聘过程的最后阶段,与公司员工的互动都很少. 在招聘会上,你可以遇到为他们所代表的公司工作的人. 这种互动在你试图辨别什么工作适合你的时候是很有价值的.

Expand Horizons: There is also a lot of diversity at a career fair. There will be many different companies that occupy different fields. 招聘会是拓展和发现新机会的好地方,否则你可能不会考虑. Companies of all kinds need a variety of employees. 工程公司可能需要营销人员,医疗保健公司可能需要会计. 招聘会汇集了各种各样有不同招聘需求的公司. You might be surprised at the opportunities you find!

Emily Wilson shared her experience with attending a career fair. “I went to the career fair in the spring of 2022 fully NOT expecting them to have what I was looking for; a camp for individuals with disabilities. 我的朋友说服我去,回音山营地果然有一张桌子.... 这是 完全 what I was looking for. I worked there over the summer, and 这是 the best experience of my life. 它为我打开了一扇通往无限机会的大门,帮助我更多地了解自己和我的使命. 我意识到我对护理的热爱,这给我带来了更多的工作机会.” Your experience will not be the exact same as Emily’s, but you will never know what opportunities are out there if you don’t try.

How Do I Prepare for a 职业生涯 Fair?

服装: You should plan to dress nicely. Showing effort, responsibility, and intentionality by dressing professionally means a lot to employers. 建议你的穿着应该与参加面试时的穿着相似. First impressions are key in professional environments, and you can set yourself up for success by dressing like a professional.

简历: You should also write or refine your resume. A resume is a very useful document that includes your name, contact information, and experience that you can give to a potential employer. 当你去参加招聘会时,你应该准备好多份打印好的简历,以便在与人见面时分发出去. How many should you bring? This answer can vary significantly, but a smart idea would be to research the companies that will be at the fair, identify ones you are interested in, and bring that number of resumes, plus 5- remember, you never know what surprise opportunities or connections you may find. 如果你无法事先对应聘公司进行调查,那就准备好10-20份简历.

供应: It might also be useful for you to bring with you a notebook and a folder. You will likely be receiving a lot of information. 笔记本可以帮助你记住谈话中的重要细节, 一个文件夹可以用来装你在活动期间会收到的传单或名片.

招聘会当然会让人不知所措,但试图独自征服求职也会让人不知所措. By stepping out of your comfort zone and attending a career fair, you could be setting yourself up for a perfect job opportunity. 在很多情况下,学生在离开招聘会之前就已经得到了一份工作或实习机会. So, take a chance and explore all of the possibilities available to you.

For any other questions about career fairs, building your resume, or discovering your career path, reach out to the Calling and 职业生涯 Center. 当你发现神要带领你往哪里去的时候,他们是你宝贵的资源.



-Mattigan Burleigh '24

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Feb 10, 2023

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