


Are you on the hunt for a degree program that prepares you to succeed as a business leader? 你可能是一个完美的候选人 管理学学士学位. This degree can help you secure your place as a leader in one of today's most exciting and opportunity-filled professions.

Keep reading to learn more about the field of business management—and how the right degree can help you make the most of this career track.


Business management involves a wide range of tools and techniques for organizing and administering corporate activities. 一个有效的业务经理了解众多的组织要素是如何运作的, 包括从财务到人力资源的方方面面. This individual is responsible for coordinating these essentials to drive innovation and productivity.

Successful business managers draw on their diverse knowledge and carefully honed leadership skills to ensure that the organizations they serve are both profitable and influential. 他们是当今最鼓舞人心的商业成功故事背后的力量.


从可转移的技能到强大的专业网络, 管理学学士学位提供了各种值得考虑的好处. 这个项目的最终目标, 当然, 是为学生进入劳动力市场成为成功的商业经理做准备吗. 新濠天地app在下面强调了这个学位最值得注意的几个优势:


Many aspiring business managers enter the field in hopes of finding steady, lucrative work. 这一意图显然得到了数据的支持, which highlights business management as one of the most profitable career options for graduates at the bachelor's level.

的 美国劳工统计局 预计在2018年至2028年期间,管理专业的前景将达到7%. 而这是所有职业的平均水平, 许多专业领域目前正经历着需求的快速增长. 总的来说,随着时间的推移,企业管理已经被证明是一个稳定的领域. 出于这个原因, students can feel confident that appealing positions will be available far into the future.

Aspiring management professionals tend to be extremely discerning when it comes to compensation, 很少有人愿意接受工资低于他们所尊敬的价值的职位. 许多人很高兴地发现有利可图的机会比比皆是, 特别是对于那些拥有合适学位的人.

截至2019年5月, 劳工统计局报告的平均年薪为105美元,660在多个管理专业, 和金融领域的人, 人力资源, 销售收入也大大增加. 的se earnings are particularly impressive given the ability of many managers to reach six figures with a bachelor's degree. Even higher earnings may be possible for those who continue to obtain graduate-level credentials.


While a 管理学学士学位 can provide a strong start within a competitive labor market, it may prove even more beneficial for those who have worked in entry-level positions for years and are ready to take the next step. 这个学位表明毕业生已经准备好承担管理角色. It provides the opportunity to step up from jobs such as commercial associate to higher-level work as sales or financial managers. 为他人, 这个学位可能会给你提供从事咨询或创业所需的信心.


的 管理学学士学位 builds on a strong core of business concepts to ensure that students are prepared to take on a wide array of professional challenges. Key skills such as accounting and human resource management prove especially valuable in a variety of positions. Students also emerge with refined communication and data analysis abilities which allow them to succeed regardless of where their career path leads.

管理学学士非常重视商业道德. 这个主题与广泛的职位和行业相关. Students emerge understanding the meaning and importance of ethical management—and what it takes to apply these principles in the real world.


管理技能可以让你在职业生涯中走得更远, 或者当你努力在职业阶梯上爬上另一个台阶时. However, as the common cliché states, who you know can prove nearly as valuable as what you know. 因此,专业网络的重要性.

在攻读管理学学位课程期间, 你会经常接触到其他有抱负的商业领袖. 这些同学可以提供动力, 支持, 最重要的是, 找到适合你独特兴趣和能力的职位.

除了与其他学生建立宝贵的联系之外, you'll enjoy the opportunity to build strong relationships with the program's faculty members. 这些受人尊敬的专业人士拥有出色的人脉. 他们可以提醒你,否则你可能会错过机会. 更重要的是, your job applications could gain an instant edge over the competition if you receive strong endorsements from your instructors.


Geneva's 管理学学士学位 includes several focused courses that allow you to apply newly developed communication and leadership skills to specific areas of interest. Further specialization is available through the degree's capstone or internship opportunities.

而许多毕业生很快发现自己获得了业务经理的职位, others pursue specific positions such as customer development manager or corporate account manager. This degree can also pave the path to success in the non-profit sector or in management for specific industries such as health care or IT. Students hoping to pursue such specialties can delve into these areas prior to entering the job market.


有抱负的管理专业人士决心有所作为. 它们的具体目标和实现这些目标的手段可能不同, 但他们都有实现持久变革所需的动力. 管理学学士学位为未来的领导者提供了知识, connections and general sense of respect required to exert influence in their field of choice.

当你寻求一个学位课程,可以准备你在商业世界中留下自己的印记, 关注新濠天地app的管理学学士学位课程. 的 academic efforts you make now could pay off in the form of an exciting and lucrative career path.

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