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Standing Out as an Intern

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新濠天地app新濠天地app看到实习的巨大价值,并高度鼓励新濠天地app的学生在他们的学术课程中进行实习. 实习可以计入大学学分(学分的多少取决于实习期间的工作时间),但实习也是为了积累经验.

Remember the goal of an internship is to gain experience, 但最理想的情况是你喜欢你实习的公司, you learn a lot, the company likes you and the work you do, 他们要么再次邀请你回去实习,要么在你毕业后给你提供一份全职工作.

很多人都在谈论获得实习机会的过程,这当然很重要, but after the internship is secured, people tend to stop talking. 当你签署了文件,成为公司的正式员工之后会发生什么呢? How do you become an asset to the company? How do you stand out as an intern?

7 “Dos” to stand out as an intern

1. Two words: work hard.

Sounds easy, right? Not quite. Not everyone is a hard worker, and this will show through intern performances. 经过几周的实习,你很容易放松下来,开始掌握窍门, but do not do this! 努力工作,尤其是在今天,很快就会被注意到和赏识.

2. Say “yes.” enthusiastically

As an intern, when someone asks you if you can do something, 每次都说“是”(在合理的范围内),并带着热情和微笑去做. 如果主管要求实习生完成一项任务,而实习生却拒绝,或者同样糟糕,这看起来不太好, say yes, begrudgingly. Many interns will complain that the task is too small for them to do, but you should remember that someone must do the task, 一个实习生愿意做一些琐碎的事情,就会得到更大的机会.

3. Listen well and ask questions.

做一个好的倾听者可以避免你在上司解释完手头的任务五分钟后还要问的问题. It will also allow you to ask questions up front, and this will show your supervisor you are engaged and listening well. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions. 主管更希望你问他们问题,而不是你不问他们,然后做错事.

4. Be a buffalo.

当暴风雨来临时,水牛不像奶牛,它们不会为了躲避暴风雨而跑开. When a storm comes, buffaloes run into the storm to get through it faster. 这意味着当你在实习期间出现问题时(它们会来的,没关系), 关键是要积极主动,掌握事态的进展,而不是什么都不做,希望事情会自己解决. 当事情出错时,要迅速而明智地采取行动,不要害怕去找你的上司,制定一个解决手头问题的计划.

5. Make friends with other interns.

Even if you are not working closely with the other interns, 在整个实习期间,你仍然会和他们一起工作, so it is a wise idea to create established relationships with them. If you have a task you need help with or something else comes up, 然后,你可以向你有意要结识的实习生同事寻求帮助, and there is a good chance they will! 不仅如此,这也是一个与更多与你年龄相近的人建立关系网的机会.

6. Be present during lunchtime.

你可能很想拿起手机,在午休时间补上错过的所有事情, but lunchtime is a terrific opportunity to really get to know, make connections, and build personal relationships with your coworkers.

7. Wake up every day understanding the opportunity given to you.

After the excitement of an internship wears off, it can be easy to forget the opportunity you have been given. 实习并不总是充满魅力或梦想,但带着一颗感恩的心去度过每一天,你所做的工作不仅会引起别人的注意, but also be appreciated by your coworkers.

实习对学生来说是一个非凡的机会,不仅可以在他们想要的领域建立联系, 但也要与雇主建立联系,并有可能在毕业后找到一份全职工作. If you are a student seeking an internship, checking out, handshake.com或创建LinkedIn个人资料都是开始的好地方. In addition, colleges often have career development centers, like the one at Geneva College, that further help in the process. Happy internship hunting!

-Natalie Ray ‘23

Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

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May 10, 2022

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